I'm sure everyone who knows Brock and Sara are racking their brains trying to find a way to help them out. Rack no more, we've got an answer for you!
We've added the option of giving "Virtual Hugs" on the right sidebar for those that would like to make small donations to help cover Brock's crazy expensive medications. No matter where you live you can show them some love by clicking this little yellow button.
Times are tough but donating 20 bucks to help a friend out is definitely a rewarding sacrifice! Maybe you give up an In and Out burger, fries and shake once or twice, rent a Redbox instead of heading out to the theatre or forgo the latest iPhone apps to save some cash for this great cause. The sacrifices might seem small on your end but I guarantee they mean the world to Brock and his family. Heck, maybe you'll like the warm and fuzzies you get from your good deed so much you'll want to come back and donate on a monthly basis! Think about it...Brock's medication costs $2,000 a month. If 100 people commit to donating ONLY $20 a month, it's covered. A little sure does go a long way!
Think about it. Go give Brock a hug.
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